
Frequently Asked Questions

How does this all work?

Blading Camp is the worlds’ only 100% all inclusive Camp which means all you have to do is book your airplane tickets and we take care of the rest. After you have made your reservation you will receive a confirmation email.

  1. Register for camp
  2. For Parents ONLY of riders under the age off 18

    Parental Authorization Form


  3. Read and reply to your Confirmation Email.
  4. Parents of Riders under 18, Send your flight details and with Parents Authorization Forms.
  5. Download whatspp and write us +34 610 662 955.
  6. Don’t forget to celebrate. You made it.

How does the airport service work?

The local Airport is Malaga (AGP) Spain. We designed this service so that parents could simply put their child on a plane and we will safely pick them up and them drop them back off at the airport.

  • For our Riders Under 16

All Riders under 16 WILL BE picked up and dropped off at the airport. The airport service is only available on the first and last days of the camp. Need anything special? Just ask.

To Parents: All you have to do it put your child on the plane and well pick them up and make sure they get back to the airport in perfect time to return home. Just book their flight and tell us when they landing. All riders will be met at the airport by our Blading Camp Staff and will never be left alone. On the arrival day we have a staff member who stays at the airport all day to receive the riders and to ensure no one is there alone. We will have constant contact with you and them (the camper) thru the whole process.

*There is a 75 euro additional fee required when having to pick up certain riders under 13 years old. This is only applied when we must take the responsibility as legal guardian of the child to pick up and drop them off at the airport. All depends on which airline company you fly on. Ask us for more info.

*Please contact us before booking any Flights that Depart or Arrive before 8:00am! 
  • For our Riders Over 16+

You only need to do is get yourself to the Blading Camp Meeting Point very conveniently located near the airport. From there we load the bus and get the party started. Malaga is quite easy and economical to travel around. There are Taxis/Urbers and Metro and public bus options to bring you to the our Meeting Point. Uber is the simplest and easiest and only about 15 euros from the airport to our meeting point!

The Location GPS of the Meeting point will be sent to you after registration is complete and all your forms have been sent in.

On what day do i book my flights?

Your ARRIVAL flight should be booked so you arrive in Malaga the morning or early afternoon of the first day, preferable before 14:00. We will leave the meeting point sharply at 14:00 so your flight should land before 13:00 to allow enough time to get your luggage and get to us on the beach. If you need to arrive later that’s also no problem as you will just uber or taxi to where we are. Its all very easy.

The DEPARTURE flight should be made for the afternoon or evening on the last day of camp, preferable after 14:00. On the last day at 11:00 the bus will stop at the airport at the airport before returning to the beach meeting point at 12:00 (noon) to end camp. IF you fly early or you fly late is your choice but we will make an airport run with the bus one time when camp ends. If you depart before 12:00 you are responsible to get yourself to the airport by Uber to Taxi.

Camp will start at 14:00 on the first day and end at 12:00 on the last day.

We do not have accommodations available on the days before or the days after the camp. But we can suggest where you can stay cheaply and easy.

We require that all Traveling Campers download and install Whats app to be able to communicate directly with the staff who will be at the airport picking you up. Sometimes there are flight delays and this makes life super easy to have direct contact.

Any questions about flights please contact us before booking anything.

What if i can’t find flights to arrive to the meeting point before 14:00?

No need to worry! We recommend arriving at the meeting point before 14:00, as that’s when we officially begin loading the bus to start camp. However, you’re welcome to arrive at any time on the first day. Once you let us know your arrival time, we’ll send you the GPS location of our meeting point. From there, you can easily take an Uber or Taxi to meet us.

Rest assured, on your travel day, we’ll be in constant contact to assist you with any last-minute changes or travel delays!

Am i too old for camp?

Are you too old to learn something new? No way, this is made just for you!

We are an all-ages camp dedicated to nurturing young talent and fostering an international community for the sport. Here, age is simply a number. Everything about our camp is designed to accommodate riders of all ages, including personalized one-on-one lessons suitable for any participant.

Our daily activities are conducted in a group setting, emphasizing a family-oriented atmosphere. In 2019, we experienced a significant increase in older riders visiting Malaga, resulting in a diverse mix of young skaters and those aged 25 and up throughout the summer. This blend creates an inspiring environment where participants of all ages motivate and uplift one another. You’ll see the positive impact for yourself!

Whats a normal camp day like?

Camp days are jammed back with lots of action! But lucky for you all you have to do is prepare your bag and get on the bus! We take care of the rest! *This is very general about our days but to give you an idea of how things go…

  • 8:15 morning activity  ( yoga meditation )
  • 9:00 breakfast
  • 10:00 Load the bus
  • 11:00- 14:00 – First Skate park ( activity )
  • 14:00 Lunch break Picnic
  • 15:00 Swim / Refreshing break  (beach lake river)
  • 17:00 -20:00 – 2nd skate park
  • 21:00 Dinner
  • 22:00 House activity.  *Thursday mid week, we take it easy. We stay the morning in the house. We use this time to make workshops, chats, talks, rest, Olympic pool games and other activities at the house before skating in the evening!Generally the days are wake up early, stay out skating all day, mid day beach or lake, evening session again, dinner and chill time.
What happens on the last day of camp?

Camp ends at 12 noon mid day on Saturday. We will all leave the house together at 10am on Saturday morning. From there the bus will stop at the airport to drop off whoever needs to fly around that time. Then the bus will coninute to its final destination returning to the beach, the original meeting point. From there we will end camps. Parents are invited to meet us at the meeting point on Saturday morning anytime after 12:00 noon. 

Riders Over 18 remember that If you choose to fly earlier than the bus drop off at 11 ( that means your flight leaves at or before 13.00) then you will be responsible to get yourself from the house to the airport and the same goes for later from the beach to the airport.

Uber / Taxi from the Camp house to the airport is between 50 – 75 euros depending on the time

which is around 65 euros y 25 minutes away. We recommend sharing a taxi or uber with other riders who are also needing to be at the airport early.  Any doubts, please ask before booking your flights. We’re here to help.


Blading Camp is an evolving camp which means each year we improve and update to be more inline with our philosophy and principals. Which means a beautiful location in surrounded by nature with Super comfy beds fully equipped with everything you will need, a swimming pool or water near, lots of open air space for all our activities, workshops, practice rails and water gun wars and of course, incredible chefs preparing all your traditional Spanish Meals. And don’t forget Exercise spaces, and lots and lots of stars!!

All registered Riders should be accustomed to sleeping/sharing spaces with others, true summer camp style. Private rooms are not available.

Accommodations for this year are nothing short of incredible. Have a look at the link below!

All bed dressings and blankets are provided! Everything for you to just arrive and fall into your nice comfy bed!

*Accommodations can change. But our camp standards are very high, and if anything we’re to change it only would be to improve your experience.

How much is camp?

Camp price is 950 euros. 100% All inclusive. That’s everything you will need for 6 days. The initial reservation of 250 euros must be thru the website or by bank transfer. The remaining balance of 700 euros must be paid by bank transfer at least TWO month before the start of you camp week.

*For other payment options please ask.

Camp Price

Camp price is set once a year with the official opening of registration. After the Camp price is set and the year is open for registration, all previous existing reservations must pay the difference in the price from one year to the next.

Do you have Special, Vegan or Vegetarian Diets available?

Yes of course! Many of our staff members are vegetarians and vegans. All Meals are prepared as ordered by the camper during the registration process. All water, daily snacks, all meals, and fruits will be provided everyday as well.

I’m a parent, can i come with my younger rider to camp?

Parents who are wishing to come down to the Camp with their children are welcome! We recommend that you contact us by email. This year we do not have accommodations at the camp for the parents. Parents must stay near the camp grounds and visit daily or join the entire camp experience! If you don’t wish to join the experience, parents are welcome to come to the camp every single morning before we leave to start our day. The days start early around 8:30/9 and end around 9/10 on the evenings! Parents are welcome to come by at night as well but it’s a lot more complicated in the evenings after a long day day in the sun.

As always we can stay in constant contact with parents to update where we are and when we will return to the house.

Can I make a Reservation and then cancel it if I’m unable to join? Do i get my money back?

Yes you can! But please have a look a the link below to understand the details.

Terms, Conditions and Rules

What if I’ve made my reservation for this year but i can’t join for whatever reason?

If your unable to join us after you’ve made your reservation please contact us, we maybe able to move it to another week.

*In the event of any sanitary disaster, crisis or government mandated change of policy, we will not cancel camp, we will move your current reservation to the next available camp date.

We recommend that you book your flights with Travel Insurance.

How old must the Camper be?

Camp is designed so that all ages are welcome to grow and learn together. We provide the teaching techniques and exercises for everyone. Guaranteed you’ll learn what you want to learn no matter your age. Both boys and girls who are 13 years or older are welcome to the camp!

In the past years we have had campers as young as 8 years We made special arrangements with the parents and everything was perfect. Old or young, you’ll find your place perfectly here.

Any camper under the age of 13 is required to contact us before signing up. If you wish you register your child who is younger than 13 years old please email us before so we can talk directly to you about the whole process.

*Under 13 require a special airport service where a Camp councilor must enter into the airport, pass thru security and meet your child at the door of the airplane.

If you feel like your “too old” for this, your defiantly not!  We made this just for you!

What age was your youngest rider?

7 years old with parents. 11 years old without parents

What age was your oldest rider?

55 years old (and he’s a shredder)

This looks like its mostly for kids? I’m over 30… will I be the only adult there?

No way. We have designed and built everything so that anyone at any age will love the 6 day tour. As we are here to insure, focus and cultivate the next generation of skaters. Our camps are normally well mixed with riders from all ages and skill levels. Your presence here is very important. The younger kids see a mature rider and they learn and see that they too can grow and mature into the sport. The same type of motivation works for the more mature rider who’s perfecting his skills. He takes energy and power from seeing the younger rider achieve a new trick. This just repeats back and forth, everyone motivating each other. This is the Blading Camp Magic. But words can only do so much, wait till you experience it.

How good do I need to be/skill level?

On every camp there is always a mixture of skill levels, however the camps are not really suitable for total beginners.This means that if you’ve literally just gone out and bought your first pair of skates, then you might find the camps a bit intensive.” Riders should at least be good with the basics of standing, stopping and rolling on skates comfortably on skates. Any doubts please contact us.

What if i have never been in a skate park before but i want to learn ramps and grind?

Then you came to the right place! Cause everyone is here to learn and this is what the camp is all about. We will work on the very basic of techniques to ensure you have a great foundation. We start from the most basic and go from there. Again, if you’ve just gone out and bought skates and still can’t roll comfortably on the flat ground, you may find the camp a bit intense as we do some city skating and group skates all together. If your not sure, just ask!

What should we pack?

-A copy of your European insurance card or Insurance card from your country of origin.
-Bathing suit
-Tooth brush/tooth paste/ toiletries/soap shampoo
-A shower towel and beach towel
-Special medications even if you don’t take regular bring anything in case.
-Protection gear & extra parts wheels and bearings. Please bring your gear even if you might not use it, we are skating 6 days straight, believe us you’ll be happy you did.
-Beach shoes / Water shoes and normal shoes ( no flip flops )
-Helmets No helmet, no camp
-Skates! Duhhh!!
-Jacket or a hoodie
-Reusable Water Bottle

Do i need spending money?

We are the worlds only 100% all inclusive camp which means children only need a little pocket money if they wish to buy souvenirs, drinks or candy during the skates thru the city. All water, daily snacks, all meals, and fruits will be provided by Blading Camp every day.

Can we contact our child during camp?

Yes, of course. These days most children have their own mobile phones anyway but if not you can contact one of the camp organizers Josh +34 610 662 955 or Uani +34 681 63 80 57  We recommend campers all download Whats app to make communication super easy.

How do we Travel around?

Transportation will be provided all week in a nice new, air-conditioned bus. The bus has USB chargers for all the charging needs. The bus is equipped with seat belts for all and the drivers are all chosen by us personally and are 100% professionally licensed, insured and certified. The bus is cleaned and sanitized extensively 2 times per day to ensure your safety at all times.


All Campers are required to travel with their European blue insurance card. Riders from other parts of the world should bring their insurance documents as well.

Camp instructions / instructors

We offer daily group lessons at every skate park. It is the campers responsibility to be ready and present when the lessons and activities takes place. After the lessons there will be time to ask more detailed 1 on 1 help and specific questions about whatever your wishing to learn! We have plenty of time in 6 days!

Lessons and instructions are given in English as well as in Spanish.

Camp Group Size

The amount of riders will vary from week to week. Most weeks are designed and built with the intention of having 45 riders. Sometimes a few more or sometimes a few less all depends on riders availability. We’ve hosted camps with as few as 16, all the way to 60 riders. For us, 40 riders give or take is great size. *Quality control is always guaranteed and our number one priority.

Is there washing machines or washing facilities at camp?

No, camp is only 6 days so come prepared. You can always wash things while you shower and hang them to dry before you sleep. Normally everything is dry by the morning.

Is there WIFI at the Camp house?

No there is not, and cell phone coverage is normally pretty bad. We promote disconnect to reconnect. So pick up the long lost art of conversation, say hi to someone you don’t know yet. Ask “where are you from?” And you might be surprised at how fast you make a new friend. Please take care of all your personal things and work before coming to camp. During the day at the skate parks and on the tour there if normal cell phone coverage. But don’t come to the camp house expecting to make face time calls you all your friends and family or work zoom meets, it’s not gonna happen.

Daily Activities | City Tours

We will be traveling thru many cities in Southern Spain. We will have a full staff around at all times ensuring that the groups stay together and no one wonders off alone ever. Our Younger Campers are not allowed to go to shops and buy things alone, They will always be accompanied by Camp Staff Adults. We will be visiting many beaches, and fresh water lakes. You should know how to swim. We will do some small adventures and walks thru the mountains visiting ruins and other outdoor activities. Don’t worry it’s a very basic walk at a higher altitude. The most basic hiker can do it with ease! Proper Shoes should be worn/brought, flip flops are not allowed during the days of walking in the mountains.

I have a complicated medical issue, can i still join the camp?

Yes you can, but please contact us first, let us understand your needs first.

Blading Camp has a highly trained and licensed, professional staff with more than 20+ years experience working with all ages, groups and styles of people but we are not medical doctors or psychiatrists. We hold the right to decline or cancel any reservation made by someone who has a mental of physical condition that could jeopardize / harm / or complicate the camp experience for the other riders. This is addressed on a case by case scenario. Please contact us for any doubts! After all, we’re in this together!

Camp Requirements

  1. You should know how to swim. You will not be forced to swim but we will be around lakes, rivers and beaches daily.
  2. You should be prepared to sleep comfortably sharing a space with other riders just like you. Private rooms are not available this year.
  3. Parents of riders under 13 please contact us before registering. All ages are invited but with a few special details to discuss before registering.
  4. Helmets are 100% required, no questions asked. No helmet, No camp. We do not have extra helmets here at camp. We will not be visiting any skate shops during the camp, please make the arrangements before camps starts. Or ask us. We can help.
  5. The camps are not suitable for real beginners.This means that if you’ve literally just gone out and bought your first pair of skates, then you might find the camps a bit intense.” But if you have your basics down, starting, stopping, turning and standing comfortable on your skates, then we can build from there. No previous skate park experience is required.
  6. We recommend that you book your flights with Travel Insurance.
  7. If you have any medical conditions, even the smallest you are required to disclose it, which means tell us in detail what it is. In some cases doctors notice may be required. We are not certified medical professionals.
  8. You must bring your medicines even if you don’t take them regularly, bring them “just in-case”.
  9. Bring your extra skate parts, wheels, bearings, tools. We don’t have here!

Info on Children Under 13 Traveling Alone



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    Save Your Space!

    Don't miss you chance to live the #bladingcampexperience

    Reserve your place now for only 250€. Then the remaining balance must be paid at least TWO monthS before the start of the camp! Easy no?
    info@bladingcamp.com or Whatsapp +34 610 662 955
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